12 May 2015

12 Haunted Train Stations That Will Instantly Give You Cold Sweat

Did you think train stations are boring places where you impatiently wait for your train? Places where everything is dull and dreary, and nothing interesting ever happens?
Think again.
Here is a list of 12 sinister railway stations that you should better stay away from, unless you are outrageously adventurous. Because they are haunted!

1. Begunkodor Railway Station, West Bengal

This railway station located in a remote village of West Bengal remained closed for almost 42 years.  According to villagers, one of the railway employees died in 1967 after witnessing a spooky figure of a female draped in white sari. Refuting all such rumours, the Kolkata CM re-opened the station in 2009, but many people still believe it is haunted.

2. Dwarka Sector 9 Metro Station, Delhi

There are rumors that an angry woman runs behind  cars at night and sometimes even knock at their door! It is believed that the ghost of the woman killed a school-going kid. The female figure is  seen often by late night travellers.
Source:  99acress

3.  Rabindra Sarobar Railway Station, Kolkata

Also known as the Paradise of Suicide, this metro station has witnessed 70 per cent of all the suicides that take place on metro tracks. Eerie figures appear and vanish in a fraction of a second. Shadows move on the platform on late evenings. Such occurrences are commonly experienced by commuters who travel by the last metro at around 10.30 pm.

4.  Bishan MRT Station, Singapore

This Railway station infamously has witnessed several incidents that can send shivers down the spine. Being located near a centenary, coffin bearers, headless figures, phantom passengers all have been spotted, in or around the station. Perhaps most heart-pounding of all, people have heard footsteps on the roof of moving trains.
Source: Campus

5. Union Station, Phoenix, USA

The station that houses company offices have seen a mysterious figure running away from them and have sensed its presence in the attic. There’s also a heavy door that opens and closes by itself, for no apparent reason.
Source: RailPAC

6. Connolly Station, Dublin, Ireland

This daily dwellers and passengers at this railway station in Ireland have witnessed ghastly  sightings of soldiers. The station had suffered bomb damage in an attack during the Second World War, reason enough for such sightings. Ghost Hunters are investigating further.
Source: Wikimedia

7. Caobao Road Subway Station, China

Nine mysterious deaths, trains breaking down inexplicably, commuters pulled by invisible hands to the extent of falling off the platform are just some of them. This station built near a mortuary has experienced many  more eerie incidences that can numb your senses even when you hear such tales. 
Source: Smarter Travel

8. Addiscombe Railway Station, England

It is believed that a train driver who was killed on the track now roams in the area. He, in spirit has been accused of killing workers and even moving trains in the dead of night, when none should have been working!
Source: TopTenz

9.  Waterfront Station, Canada

A railway station that bustles with commutators in peak hours is said to be one of the most haunted buildings in the city. Demonic activities like woman dancing to music and disappearing all of a sudden have been noticed. Phantom footsteps and at times a number of desks rearranging themselves are daily occurrences
Source:  Wikipedia

10. Panteones Metro Station, Mexico

Panteones Metro Station lives up to its name. Panteones meaning graveyard, has an entire video that show train engineers hearing screams further along the track. Workers claim that that they have heard ghostly knocks and screams on the dark and grey apparition appearing and disappearing every time the station closes.
Source:  Listsbuzz

11. Kymlinge Metro Station, Stockholm

This metro station is rumored to be the one where the dead gets off. The construction of the extended station had to stop midway in 1970s when super natural activities were reported. The authorities then reopened the station in 1976 but it still faces problem in operation.
Source: Wikipedia

12.  Macquarie Fields Train Station,  Australia

Located in a deserted area of South West Sydney this stations has some really uncanny tales to say. Several people once reported that a teenage girl covered in blood used to make occasional appearances at the platform. Her screams get louder as the night approaches. Ghost Haunting Australia, a paranormal activity investigating authority has  also photographed ghostly figures watching them.

Source Post: Scoopwhoop

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