10 Jan 2016

Why Neena Gupta has become the Youngest Inspiration ? Know How

Why Neena Gupta has become the Youngest Inspiration ? Know How

She is the the recipient of the INSA Medal for Young Scientists (2014), the Ramanujan Prize (2014), and the Saraswathi Cowsik Medal (2013) by the TIFR Alumni Association for her outstanding work on the Zariski Cancellation Problem.

Why Right Now the Youngest Inspiration ?

Well She just solved a math problem that was open for 70 years!) According to INSA, hers
is "one of the best works in Algebraic Geometry in recent years done anywhere."
But Neena is still looking for 'solutions'.
Unlike other young achievers, who prefer to explore opportunities abroad she is working as a full-time faculty at INSA, while visiting faculty at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai and a visiting scientist at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
For her achievements, she credits her dad, who let her get a Ph.D. without caring about the society and her husband who supported her and helped her just like her father did.

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