15 Jun 2015

12 Romantic Short Films You Can Watch Right Here While Having Lunch

What is love? It's definitely NOT dosti like we've been lead to believe by the biggest film stars of the country. It is much more complex. Difficult to define, impossible to quantify, you know about it only when you feel it. Maybe that's why we make so many movies about it, to understand it better?
We've compiled a list of 12 romantic short films, which will help you assess the various stages of love.

1. Post It Love (2009)

Girl meets Boy in this quirky office romance, where they find an inventive way to woo each other.

Source: Future Shorts

2. Paperman (2012)

Boy bumps into Girl, and paper-planes show their magic and bring them together. Oscar winner!

Source: videobash

3. Signs (2008)

A lonely man by the name of Jason does not seem to fit in anywhere in life, his co-workers until he is caught staring at a woman in the next building through the window.

Source: SteveyMcDonald

4. Requiem For A Romance (2012)

Illustrating the last phone call between two lovers, the animation might just take your breath away!

Source: Jonathan Ng

5. Oktapodi (2007)

Oscar nominated for Best Short film, it features a couple of Octopuses who are separated when one of them is bought. The other one tries to chase it down at extreme odds.

Source: Linus Ajamen

6. Arranged Marriage (2011)

One of those rare Youtube films on love from India, which actually won us over with its charm and detailed observation. 

Source: Areesz Gandhi

7. The Crush (2010)

On those rare occasions when they're sober, the Irish can be quite a charming lot. Especially when the plot ensues a child falling in love with his teacher. Beautifully done.

Source: Edumotiv

8. Leonard In Slow Motion (2014)

Starring the Silicon Valley actor Martin Starr, this is one of the most inventive romantic short films you will ever see about those misfits. 

Source: Vice

9. I'm Here (2010)

At the helm of this gem is director extraordinaire Spike Jonze, and is voiced by Andrew 'Spiderman' Garfield, at his most earnest. Such beauty!

Source: Medusian23

10. Some Boys Don't Leave (2009)

Starring reel-life Zuckerberg, Jesse Eisenberg plays his eccentric self in the film about a boyfriend who doesn't leave the house of his girlfriend, even after being dumped.

Source: Dailymotion

11. Ek Bahut Choti Si Love Story (2012)

A man sees a woman in a cafe, each time he goes there. She's always sitting in the same seat, and reading a magazine, probably waiting for someone? He decides to talk to her one day.

Source: Humara Movie

12. Exiles (2012)

Set in the happily ever after of Romeo and Juliet, this film examines the life choice of banishment and how it destroys the lovers forever.
Source: Tommy Bertelsen 

Source :Scoopwhoop

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