26 May 2015

Cool Hack That Turns Your Smartphone Into Your Own Black Light

Ever wanted to check how sperm-y things are before you touch them? (ie, hotel beds, hotel bathrooms, other people’s phones/laptops)
No? Fancied checking for ‘super secret’ spy writing? Well, now’s your chance.  Some clever chap figured out how to easily make your phone into a black light.
Check  it out:

Seriously+Cool+Hack+That+Turns+Your+Smartphone+Into+Your+Own+Black+Light  Seriously+Cool+Hack+That+Turns+Your+Smartphone+Into+Your+Own+Black+Light Seriously+Cool+Hack+That+Turns+Your+Smartphone+Into+Your+Own+Black+LightSeriously+Cool+Hack+That+Turns+Your+Smartphone+Into+Your+Own+Black+Light

Seriously+Cool+Hack+That+Turns+Your+Smartphone+Into+Your+Own+Black+Light Seriously+Cool+Hack+That+Turns+Your+Smartphone+Into+Your+Own+Black+Light 
What do you think? Tell us in the comments

Source :hellou

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