24 May 2015

See The heartbreaking effects that humans have on our planet

Our home planet is under extreme stress — it's unfortunate that phrases like this have become clichéd because the stakes are now higher than ever.
Humans are harming this beautiful planet in more ways than we know. In a book titled Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot (OVER), more than 170 images paint a picture of a landscape so depressing, it might just encourage some attention and change. From overcrowded megacities to oil spills and devastating deforestation, it depicts the impacts that humans have on the Earth.
"We have passed a crucial tipping point," the book says. "Our quest for greater and greater material prosperity is now impoverishing future generations. The Global Footprint Network estimates further that by 2030, we will need two planets to sustain us. Further growth simply deepens the crisis of ecological "overshoot" as we draw down Earth's carrying capacity, and it comes at the direct expense of our own children and grandchildren."

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