24 Jun 2015

KFC Runs DNA Test On 'Fried Rat', Finds Out It Was Actually A Piece Of Oddly-Shaped Chicken

Here's another reason not to trust everything you see on social media.
For the last two weeks, one picture that kept appearing on people's Facebook timeline was of a "deep-fried rat" that someone allegedly found in his KFC meal. The gross image was enough to put people off fried chicken for the rest of their lives. It was a public relations nightmare for KFC.
So the company ran independent lab tests on the 'rat' to find out what that oddly-shaped fried thing actually was. It turns out that it was actually chicken.

The company wants the customer to apologise for making false allegations.
Earlier this month, Devorise Dixon, 25, posted pictures of the ‘fried rat’ on Facebook and said he had ordered a three-piece chicken-tender meal from a local KFC in Compton, California, which didn’t really turn out what he wanted to eat.
When he bit into one of the tenders, he said, "It was very hard and rubbery.”
"As I looked down at it I noticed that it was was in a shape of a rat with a tail,” he wrote on Facebook with the pictures of the meal.
Dixon's "KFC rat" photos went viral and were shared more than 100,000 times. People from all over the world started writing on his wall to say they will never eat at KFC again.
Dixon then said that he complained to the store manager, who he claimed said it was a rat and apologized. “It’s time for a lawyer,” Dixon wrote in bold letters on the Facebook page.
Well, now that the lab test has confirmed that it wasn’t a rat, Dixon may really need his lawyer.

Source :Huffingtonpost

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