16 Jun 2015

They Lowered This Camera Into The Ocean. What They Captured Has Never Been Seen On Film Before!

The ocean is filled with many mysterious and beautiful creatures -- many of which we have never seen before. The average depth of the ocean is about 14, 000 feet, but the deepest any human has ever dove in the ocean is only 2000 feet! 

Off the coast of Puerto Rico lies the deepest underwater trench in the Atlantic Ocean -- reaching a depth of 28, 373 feet. This is known as the Puerto Rico Trench, and this trench marks the fault where two tectonic plates meet. With the desire to explore these unknown waters, scientists recently embarked on a 52 day expedition. Using remote vehicles, they ventured to depths of almost 20, 000 feet. The footage from this expedition is absolutely amazing -- showing us some of the beautiful mysteries of the ocean, including some rare creatures that have yet to be discovered! 
Source :Diply

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