In Inferno, the movie adaptation of Dan Brown's book of the same name, Tom Hanks reprises his role as Robert Langdon. This film is a follow up to Da Vinci Code and it also stars Felicity Jones and Irrfan Khan in important roles.
The shoot of the film began in April this year in Venice, but Irrfan Khan joined the schedule only much recently. As a warm welcome to the Piku actor, Tom Hanks sent a personal note to Irrfan. He later posted the note on twitter, and said, "My journey of Inferno began with a captain's note."
— Simon Masrani (@irrfan_k) June 3, 2015
Apart from the fact that the note is extremely welcoming. What's more interesting to note is that Tom Hanks has a personalised rubber stamp of his face. The note is dripping of personality and one can imagine Hanks typing it out with a smile on his face.
Irrfan Khan had earlier visited Budapest to prepare for his role, where he mentioned that his meeting with Hanks was fruitful. According to this NDTV report, Irrfan met the cast and crew of the film, and along with the actors and directors did several readings in preparation for the film.
"I personally feel Tom is a wonderful actor and amazing person. I met him for a brief time but I look forward to work with him once the shooting starts in couple of weeks," said Irrfan.
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