7 Jul 2015

Boy's selfie with grandfather's body sparks outrage on social media

Saudi boy took social media by storm sharing selfie with his grandfather's body.
Attention seekers can do weirdest possible things to get noticed. And, the latest fad seems to be getting clicked with a corpse.
The bizarre idea this time struck a Saudi teen, who clicked a selfie with the body of his late grandfather. The picture has since gone viral on the social media.

The boy, John Osama, could be seen pulling his tongue out in the photograph posted on Facebook and Twitter. In the picture, with caption "Goodbye, Grandfather feeling sad", the body can be seen lying behind the boy.
The teen's "insensitive action" led to an outrage on the social media. Though it was later removed from the boy's Facebook profile, the screen-shot of the post has been doing the rounds on social media.
Latest reports suggest that the head of public relations and media in Madinah, Abdul Razak Hafedh, has assured to investigate the matter following complaints from some netizens in the country.
"The health authorities in Madinah are looking into the case and assessing whether the selfie was taken at a hospital in the area. Should that be the case, action will certainly be taken against all culprits for allowing or failing to prevent such an immoral act," Hafedh was quoted as saying by DailyMail.
The incident comes weeks after a Sri Lankan man clicked a selfie with his dead uncle. His picture with the corpse also went viral and the Sri Lankan became the butt of people's jokes.
The picture posted on Twitter in March had appeared with the caption: "My peiriya Appa passed away, feeling sad".

Source : ibtimes 

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