8 Jan 2016

Sailesh Gaur | How The Real Hero Took 6 Bullets and Still Fought Pathankot Terrorist

The Real Life Courage and so much determination shown by the indian army and many soldiers who fought for the protection of mother india has become an inspiring story for the all young youth of india.Many brave who fought and died in these pathankot terror attacks can never be forgotten.We salute our indian soldiers for such dauntlessness.

These attacks were divided between the two teams of terrorist, one of which was meant to destroy India's fighter jets and attack helicopters, along with a fueling station and a building where ammunition was stored. The other group of the four remaining Pakistani terrorists was to create diversion and allowing their companions to cause as much destruction as possible.

The first pair of terrorists, it is now believed by investigators, managed to enter the base, located just 30 kms from the border with Pakistan, by noon on January 1. They remained undetected on the base for nearly an entire day.

Seven military personnel were martyred in the assault by the Pakistanis; another 20 were injured. One Of the brave soldiers like Sailesh Gaur, the Garud commando who was deployed along with 11 others outside the Mechanical Transport wing of the Pathankot airbase.The Garud Commandos split into six pairs. The commandos chief, Gurusevak Singh and Sailesh Gaur, were in the front playing hide and seek and firing at the terrorists. In the process, Gurusevak took in three bullets but went on forging ahead. Despite taking three bullets and profusely bleeding, Gurusevak couldn’t go much farther away and passed away.

Sailesh Gaur continued the fight and never gave up even after getting hit by half a dozen bullets. Even while being injured badly and bleeding profusely Mr Sailesh never left his position and ensured the terrorists are kept at bay away from the technical area where the IAF’s fighter jets were kept.

Source : thelogicalindian & NDTV

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