29 May 2015

18 Photos The World Needs To See To Understand How Beautiful India Really Is

1. This mother who doesn’t have much but is giving her daughter the whole world.

Barcroft Media / Via reddit.com

2. These protestors, risking their safety to fight for the right to love freely.

Stringer / Getty Images
India’s #KissOfLove protests were organised by young citizens online who were opposed to moral policing.

3. And these protestors who kept the fight for peace alive, even in police custody.

And these protestors who kept the fight for peace alive, even in police custody.

4. This New Delhi rickshaw driver.

This New Delhi rickshaw driver.

5. This perfect reply.

This perfect reply.

6. This man’s graduation party.

This man's graduation party.
Via quora.com

7. And this part-time rickshaw driver, full-timephilanthropist.

8. This Sikh man, getting a shipment of Santas safely to and from school.

This Sikh man, getting a shipment of Santas safely to and from school.

9. This kid’s mother.

This kid's mother.
And teacher, for rewarding all the right things.

10. This dog-lover.

This dog-lover.

11. These two friends, setting aside their political differences to enjoy a meal.

These two friends, setting aside their political differences to enjoy a meal.

12. This young mother doing some last-minute exam prep.

This young mother doing some last-minute exam prep.

13. And this one, who assembled a top-notch fancy dress costume.

And this one, who assembled a top-notch fancy dress costume.

14. This man, famous in Mumbai for standing at a busy intersection every day, improving thousands of mornings.

This man, famous in Mumbai for standing at a busy intersection every day, improving thousands of mornings.

15. These empowering success stories.

These empowering success stories.
BuzzFeed India

16. This conscientious restaurant.

This conscientious restaurant.

17. This pensioner, selflessly and quietly making the world a better place.

This pensioner, selflessly and quietly making the world a better place.

18. And these teachers, building a brighter future for India by any means possible.

And these teachers, building a brighter future for India by any means possible.
Source :Buzzfeed

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