12 Jun 2015

12 Celebrities Who Always Cause Trouble Wherever They Go

Celebrities are the role model of millions of common people. Their activities, manners, discipline and nature is copied by many of their fans. Though many of them maintain a good image, some just do not care about the world and stick with their weird character; causing troubles everywhere. Here are some celebrities who are actually a sin on this planet!

Justin Beiber

When it comes to celebrities causing troubles, Justin Beiber knows how to remain on top. Apart from throwing tantrums wherever he goes, he is known for doing some pretty nasty things such as spray painting on numerous historical buildings and using an Argentinean flag to wipe his feet.

Mel Gibson

Known for making extremely racist rants, Mel Gibson invited criticism when he publicly blamed Jews for all wards across the world. He is also known for having verbal fights with his directors and abusing his girlfriends.

Val Kilmer

It is said that the film Alexander was a financial loss because of Val Kilmer’s purposeful bad acting. He once burned one of his crew member’s face, with a cigarette! He even verbally abused his own wife publicly. No wonder he is nowhere to be seen now.

Lindsay Lohan

The actress’s career went up and down very quickly, thanks to her drug addiction and excessive rants during shoots. She would come, sit and do nothing and literally make the entire crew hostage till she leaves.

Shia LaBeouf

Seems like Shia’s rebel nature in Transformers did not go after all. The actor is notorious for his drinking and creating brawl habits, be it a pub, theatre or pavement.

Charlie Sheen

Perhaps the most notorious actor creating uncomfortable and racist remarks everywhere he goes. He was caught racially abusing his ex-wife.

Gwyenth Paltrow

You might not think her of a rebellious and ranting kind, especially looking at her innocent face and her roles. But Gwenth Paltrow is known for pissing off her fellow co-stars and directors with her demands.

Britney Spears

She is a famous, troubled queen and her demands both on and off-set are quite infuriating.

Nicki Minaj

She is known to be consistently late for stage performances and being extremely weird to her Co-stars.

David O. Russell

Director of hits like ‘The fighter’ and ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ is so difficult to work with, that even Amy Adams once said that she wanted to punch him. And guess what, George Clooney actually did!

Kanye West

Kayne West is known more for ruining every award show he attends. Apparently, he justified his video by saying it featured Pamela Anderson!

Miley Cyrus

As if twerking on stage is not enough, the rebellious star is known for her out-of-work activities such as making out with old men, walking on the street in totally see-through dresses and abusing anyone and everyone!
Source :viralbro

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