24 Jun 2015

This Rottweiler Is Comforting His Owner For The Most Heartbreaking Reason

Danielle Jacobs is a 24 year old from Tempe, Arizona. Danielle lives with Asperger's, a high-functioning form of Autism. Her 4 year old rottweiler Samson is a rescue who she's trained for service work. Samson is trained for service work for Asperger syndrome, PTSD, TBI, and anxiety disorder.

In this case, Samson is seen responding to a meltdown. Although he seems to be responding to the episode late, he's actually trained to respond near the end of a meltdown to help Danielle avoid a panic attack. Danielle Jacobs has been extremely brave in opening up and posting what she deals with on a daily basis on YouTube. She has understandably requested that people avoid posting negative comments, as this was difficult to post online. 
If you are interested in learning more about Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asperger Syndrome, you can visit Autism Speaks or the Autism Society.
If you're interested in helping individuals who require a service dog, check out Autism Service Dogs of America or Lions Foundations of Canada Dog Guides.

Source : Diply

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