6 Jul 2015

A Man In India Is Claiming To Be As Old As 179 YEARS And Says He Has The Documentation To PROVE It!

Mahashta Murasi claims to be 179 years old and said he has the documentation to prove it. Is this a hoax?

via http://www.patrasevents.gr/

is a shoemaker who claims to have retired 122 years ago. He says "Somehow death has forgotten me. And now I have lost all hope to die!”

via http://www.harryschenawolf.com/

Mahashta has out lived his children and grandchildren and is still here wondering when his time will come.

via https://en.wikipedia.org/

Mahashta is afraid he may be immortal, saying "look at the statistics, nobody dies past 150, even less at 170. At that point, I guess I'm immortal or something. I might as well enjoy it!"

via http://theamericanheathen.com/

Mahashta's documentation proves what he is saying, however, doctors have not been able to truly pinpoint his age. The last doctor visit he had before now was in 1971.

via https://birthproject.wordpress.com/

Source : patrasevents

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