12 Jun 2015

A Young Girl Is Lost On The Streets. What This Man Tries To Do To Her Is Infuriating!

For a child lost on the streets, the world is an incredibly scary place. I can remember back to my childhood, being lost a few times after getting on the wrong bus, or waiting on the street alone while my parents were stuck in traffic. How do you know who to trust? How do you know who genuinely wants to help you, and who might actually be trying to hurt you? 

Popular YouTuber DennisCeeTV and his young friend Tali teamed up for a social experiment to find out how people would react to a child that has lost her parents. Some of the people Tali approached were genuinely kind, some offering the use of their phones, and one man even gave her his metro card. However, some people were absolutely horrible to this little girl, including one man that pretended to know young Tali, and tried to take her to his home. When the police arrive, what they learn is quite shocking. This video is an important reminder to educate your children on how to be safe in situations like this.

Source :Diply

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